January 13, 2014

the inbetween: goodbye college, hello education

The other day I was reminiscing with friends about our college days. Dancing away the night on a Tuesday, three day weekends, football games, a copious amount of excuses to dress up. But the more I thought about, the more I realized I don't miss it.

I love the relationships I've built, the mistakes I made and the lessons I've learned. I love the strong in sense of community and the ease of meeting new people. But I don't miss the constant pressure to be working on that Chinese history essay I didn't want to write and the guilt associated when I continued my procrastination (and trust me, I procrastinated).

It's actually quite strange—now that I've graduated, I want to learn more than ever before. I'm so excited about pursuing things I never, ever dreamed I would even do!

Some things I want to learn include:
  • Woodworking and welding
  • Soap making
  • Flying Trapeze
  • Calligraphy and typography
  • Sewing
  • Tap dance

So far I've started flying trapeze and picked up some more material on sewing and calligraphy. I honestly wish there was more time in a day to do it all because I get off work so late. That's why Skillshare, the site I'm using to learn calligraphy, is so great! It allows me to follow the video tutorials at my own pace and has tons of interesting classes like this, this, and this.

This post is going to be a part of a series called the inbetween about post-grad, pre-career life. Never stop learning!

xo from catie

p.s. I'm starting adult ballet classes today but it's been 5 years since I danced! Hopefully it's like riding a bike...

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