September 19, 2014

fieldguide: 4 plants for growing fresh air

When I saw this TED Talk by Kamal Meattle on growing fresh air, I was so inspired to share it. Living in Los Angeles there are times when you can't see the ocean from the mountains, which are only a few miles away from each other. It's hard to influence the air quality of an entire city, but here are some of the best plants for growing fresh air in your own space...

Areca Palm is a statement piece which can grow several feet tall, it converts CO2 to oxygen at night leaving you refreshed and rejuvenated in the a.m.

watercolor snake plant

Snake Plant (Mother-in-law's Tongue)* is extremely hard to kill, tolerating low and high sun, and removes harmful toxins from the air.

watercolor peace lily

Peace Lily*, which was not in the TED talk, but is still one of the best plants for cleaning the air. Plus it's the easiest to take care of since it naturally droops when it's thirsty letting you know exactly when to water.

watercolor golden pothos

Golden Pothos (Devil's Ivy, Money Plant)* removes formaldehyde and other chemicals. I hang mine from a planter to make the space more dynamic!

All you need is a few low-maintenance plants and you'll be able to naturally get rid of air pollutants in no time, plus don't they make pretty watercolor subjects? Maybe if everyone grows a few, L.A. will start to clean itself up naturally!

xo from catie

* An important note: These plants should be kept out of reach of pets and babies as they are toxic when ingested. No bueno.

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