February 24, 2015

5 (non-Serial) podcasts you should be listening to

I love starting my morning with coffee (always.) and a daily dose of podcasts. If you've been following the hype of Serial and you're looking for more great stuff to listen, I've compiled my top 5 favorite podcasts for you to check out:

The Moth
The Moth is the HONY of podcasts i.e. people telling their true, personal stories. It will make you spontaneously laugh and cry at your desk. I find myself dabbing away tears as I work...the computer screen is bright, okay?

Freakonomics is based on the novel of the same title by Stephen Dubner and Steven Levitt's (which I also recommend). It uses economics to answer a breadth of random, interesting questions like "Is learning a second language actually worth it?" Answer: unless it's english, not usually.

Invisibilia explores the intangible elements that shape human behavior. Unfortunately, like Serial, it's a seasonal thing and their first season only has 6 episodes. But after listening to the first episode, your mind will be blown.

Radiolab, of all the science-y/tech-y/psychology podcasts out there, is my favorite.  It makes science interesting and fun! Plus whoever is their sound mixer does some nifty effects. One of my favorite stories is from astronaut Dave Wolf who recounts his experience in space on the episode "Dark Side of the Earth."

This American Life 
This American Life opened the floodgates to my obsessive podcast listening. Each week has a theme and usually there are several stories on the subject. Sometimes their journalistic exposés cause influential change like "Except for that One Thing" about a man who the system forgot to take to jail for 13 years. I mean seriously, this. is. life-changing. If there is anything you must listen to, it's This American Life!

Podcasts are a great way to start your day and learn about something new! If you hear of any interesting ones let me know, I'm always on the hunt for new podcasts to listen to.

xo from catie

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