To preface this post, I am by no means an organic, all-natural product guru. In fact, I fell into essential oils quite by accident. But with a little fieldguide to introduce you to the wonders of essential oils, you'll be swearing by them in your beauty & wellness routine within a month. Here are my 3 essential essential oils...
1. Tea Tree Oil—for breakouts
This stuff is the BEST. Tea tree oil is really the gateway oil that got me into natural face products. To be perfectly honest, I was never that into organic/DIY beauty. However that all changed when I suffered from a bout of adult cystic acne. The only thing that worked to clear it up and keep it at bay has been tea tree oil. After one night the effects were noticeable and after a few months my skin is clearer than ever.
To use: Mix 1 pump of carrier oil with 2 drops of tea tree oil in your hands. I use this cold-pressed rosehip oil, but a dab of coconut or extra-virgin olive oil works equally well! Apply directly onto your face avoiding your eyes.
2. Lavender Oil—for stress-relief
I know this is the most basic of all essential oils, but its effects are so soothing this had to make it onto my list. I've recently gotten into meditation and spraying this before helps settle and focus my thoughts. Sometimes I add a drop of musky Sandalwood oil in there too.
To use: Get a fine-mist glass spray bottle (essential oils breakdown plastic) and mix 1 part water to 1 part alcohol (vodka works ;), then add 10 drops of lavender oil. Spray onto your pillows and bedsheets before sleep or meditation. Inhale deeply and exhale!
3. Peppermint Oil—for energy
I am not a morning person AT. ALL. Leaving the comfort of bed is toward the top of my least favorite things to do. However hopping in the shower with a dash peppermint oil helps awaken my senses and amp me up for the day.
To use: Add 2 or 3 drops of peppermint oil onto the metal part of your shower as it heats up and let the vapors diffuse. You can also add a drop or two to your wash-cloth and let the tingling sensations wake your body up too!
My sisters and roommates can attest, I am constantly raving about miraculous benefits of essential oils! What are your favorites and how do you use them? Leave a note in the comments below. I'm always on the lookout to try more!
xo from catie
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