March 18, 2014

los angeles color run: team heavyweights pt.1

Real talk, I hate exercising. Going to the gym versus eating a Costco hot dog? Let's be honest, I'd pick the hot dog any day. BUT the reality is I have an extremely sedentary day job, a fact that I hate about as much as going to the gym. According to my handy dandy Moves app, I'm averaging approximately 1,500 steps per day. A.K.A. not moving...I can literally feel it in my body (blehhh).

So, in an effort to combat this sedentary life I've signed up for the 5K Los Angeles Color Run! It seems like such a fun, positive reward to work towards and to be a part of. More importantly, it gets my butt up and moving. I've always found running to be pretty mind-numbing, but there's this great 6 week Couch to 5K program and mobile app, which seems like it will help with the first few baby steps.

This would definitely be the biggest accomplishment of my nonexistent active life. Hopefully with the mental encouragement and physical support of a few friends on my team, I'll be able to make it though and run the whole 3.1 miles!

If you would like to join my team, I'd love for you to be a part of this journey. When signing up here, it is team: "Heavyweights," password: "the blob." Go team Heavyweights!

xo from catie

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