March 15, 2014

the 10 most beautiful words, march

T-minus 5 days until Spring is here! Which I guess is not saying much considering I live in Los Angeles and this has been the most mild winter ever you can hardly even call it that. Last night I just finished reading Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie. Although I was drawn to Neverland's ethereal beauty, I couldn't really relate to Peter's wild antics or his selfish, cocky personality. He really does need a mother. Did anyone else think that too? Despite that, J.M. Barrie writes mesmerizing prose with wonderful narrative interjections.

Here are ten words I've collected to help write as good of prose as Mr. Barrie:

nebulous in the form of a cloud, hazy, indistinct

precocious having developed certain abilities at an earlier age than usual

whim a sudden desire or change of mind

autumn the season when leaves fall and crops and fruits are harvested

palpable able to be touched or felt

demure reserved, modest, shy

vivacious attractively lively and animated

dalliance a brief love affair

euphonious pleasing to the ear

inscape the unique inner nature of a person or object as shown in a work of art, esp. a poem

My mother is coming tomorrow to help take care of my grandma as she prepares for heart surgery. I'm excited to see her but wish it wasn't due to my grandma's health. Happy weekend, stay healthy!

xo from catie

p.s. In case you missed it, more beautiful words here and here.

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