June 25, 2014

i'm #lucky

The other day I read a thought from interior designer and blogger Emily Henderson that really struck a chord. Having grown up Mormon, she talks about being lucky vs. blessed. Read what she had to say...

Most people say they feel ‘blessed’ instead of ‘lucky’ and while I know that its all semantics and it doesn’t really matter what word you use because they mean the same thing, I’ve always chosen to say ‘lucky’ because I don’t like the idea that for some reason some people might not have been ‘blessed’. If there is a god, (which I’m seriously hoping there is) I like to think that he wasn’t picking purposefully or arbitrarily who he chose to bless or not. But again, its just semantics and words. It doesn’t matter whether I was blessed (thank you, sir, if I was) or lucky, the point is I’m extremely, incredibly grateful.
I'm not very religious so her words really resonated with me. I'm just beyond grateful for the people and experiences that I have had in my life. I'm so extremely lucky and fortunate to be surrounded by a wonderful supportive family and the best, most encouraging friends. They help me to become a better person every day and still love me through all of my mistakes.

How do you feel about this subject? Are you lucky and/or blessed? Do these subtleties matter to you?

xo from catie

p.s. For more truthful insights and witty remarks from, follow Emily at her style and motherhood adventures here.

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