If you didn't know already, I really enjoy reading. Although I wanted to read more last year, somehow it fell by the wayside. So this year, I've enlisted my friends to join me in a monthly book club and I wanted to cordially invite you to participate too! Here is the lowdown on the Bunbury Society of Literature and Tea (our attempt to sound fancĂ):
Each month we will select one book to read. Just one and nothing that can't be done! January's book was Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. It looks at the triumphs of medicine in modern society, our reluctance to candidly discuss death, and tackles the age old question of what matters in the end. As one review said, it's a great read for anyone who experiences life and death...a.k.a everyone.
But since January is over, we'll be starting with February's book, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde as it is the namesake of our book club. We'll have a variety of genres and different authors. You should definitely join us for enriching discussion and inspiring subjects!

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