April 15, 2014

the inbetween: on starting

Accomplishing an Idyllwild Hike

It's been awhile since I've posted on the inbetween series. This post however is very fitting because I've always struggled with starting things. I make excuses. I'm afraid of failure and afraid of doing things alone among other irrational fears. But then, once I'm actually doing the things that I was initially afraid of, I find myself truly enjoying it. It's really quite the conundrum.

Something I found the other day that was extremely inspiring was that Julia Childs, one of the most famous chefs in the world, didn't even start actually cooking until she was 37! Seriously!? I could hardly believe it, but it's true. And if she could start at that age and become a world renowned chef, you can do whatever you want too.

Young Julia Childs

But I have the habit of procrastinating and as the saying goes, old habits die hard, and actually according to the book I am currently reading The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, they never really, truly die. It's is extremely insightful on not just how habits are formed, but how they can be changed and manipulated for the better.  I hate getting up early, but since I signed up for the 5K LA Color Run last week I knew I had to start running in order to do it. AH!

So my cue is when the alarm goes off I jump out of my bed and make it so I don't want to mess it up and go back to sleep, plus it gets me moving. I sleep in my comfy workout clothes and socks so literally all I have to do is put on my sneakers and go. I run the 30 minute routine and reward myself with a breakfast, coffee, and a shower followed with a high of accomplishment that lasts all day!

Although I'm on week 3, I still struggle with my habit of wanting to sleep in. Sometimes the alarm goes off at 7:30 a.m. and I just hit snooze over and over until I have to get up for work so I'm probably not getting any more rested. It makes it extra frustrating because I'm so conscious of my bad habit.  My roommate had to bet me $10 the other day to motivate me to wake up, which helped. But I need to keep going to prove this to myself that I can do this.

So speaking of starting new habits, as much as I love you being here reading about my struggles, you should get started on forming habits that make you a better, happier, healthier person as well. Remember, the hardest part is often simply starting and to quote Jake the Dog of Adventure Time:
"Sucking at something is the first step to becoming sort of good at something." 
So get off the computer. Go. Begin.

xo from catie

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